Infant Massage Training Session

Learn practical specialized infant massage techniques from a professional. Learning these skills will help improve your baby’s sleep, help their digestion, support the development of their nervous system, reduce teething pain, help reduce jaw tension and support proper latching while strengthening the bond you have with your little one.

This session is 60mins which includes receiving the training and hands on skills to perform a full body massage on your baby. These techniques are tailored to aid your infant without overstimulating their nervous system and best suited for baby’s ages 3 weeks to 12 months.


A 30min follow up appointment is available if you would like to go over things again and want more one on one time with Michelle to get any further clarification or ask any further questions.

You will also get a take home a bottle of massage oil and a step-by-step summary so that you refer back to it when you need.


Things to know about this session:


  • Don’t expect that we will be able to do the full body massage on your baby during the session, as we have to work with the comfort of the baby. Regardless of how much we are able to do, you will leave the session with the knowledge and training you need to perform full body massage on your infant at home.
  • Try not to schedule the appointment during your baby’s nap time as your baby should be awake for the appointment if possible. A well rested freshly napped baby is best but don’t worry about it too much as a baby’s schedule can very day of.
  • Bring a blanket or two from your home for the massage, as well as a favorite toy or comfort item if your baby has one. It will help relax your baby to have familiar items with them.
  • Baby can come for infant massage as early as 3 weeks old as long as baby is healthy and developing properly.
  • 1 or 2 care givers can be present in the appointment.
  • Bring food and diapers for your baby. You are free to breastfeed in the treatment room during the appointment as much as you’d like or need, though if you would prefer privacy during feeding, feel free to ask your therapist to leave for a few minutes and we will resume the session once you are done.

Infant Massage Learning Session

Learn specialized techniques from a professional to provide your baby with safe massage at home:


Initial 60 Minute Session = $90

*Subsequent 30 Minute Session = $60


Contact Us

Reach Us

225 Marion Street
Winnipeg, MB
R2H 0T5

Open Hours

Monday 1:30pm - 9pm
Tuesday 1:30pm - 9pm
Wednesday 11am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 8:30am - 3pm
Saturday 9:30am - 4:30pm
Sunday 11am - 6pm